FEMA Funding Opportunity: FY 2015 Hazard Mitigation

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants - Emergency Management Mitigation Grant Program Guidance. FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance (February 27, 2015 edition) covers all requirements related to the DR-4309 HMGP round (e.g., applicant and proposal eligibility, funding caps, cost shares, information on specific project types, and other programmatic details). It is available for free DHSES - Disaster Recovery Apr 09, 2019 The Unified Hazard Mitigation Rethinking the NFIP with HMA Unified Guidance. In addition, all mitigation activities must adhere to all relevant statutes, regulations, and requirements including other applicable Federal, State, Tribal, and local laws, implementing regulations, and Executive Orders. All Applicants and EXAM PREPARATION GUIDE - cdn.ymaws.com

Dec 26, 2013

with HMA Unified Guidance. In addition, all mitigation activities must adhere to all relevant statutes, regulations, and requirements including other applicable Federal, State, Tribal, and local laws, implementing regulations, and Executive Orders. All Applicants and EXAM PREPARATION GUIDE - cdn.ymaws.com CFM EXAM PREPARATION GUIDE (3/23/2010) 11. FEMA/NFIP Elevation Certificate and Instructions, FEMA 81-31, OMB No. 3067-0077, MAR 2009 (or later Hazard mitigation grants – First Responder Grants

HMA Unified Guidance 2012 Application: Hazard Mitigation: IA 551 Form (detailed street sheet) Damage Assessment, IA PDA Manual and Forms: IA PDA for 551 Form: Damage Assessment, IA PDA Manual and Forms: IA PDA Summary Sheet County: Damage Assessment, IA PDA Manual and Forms: IA PDA Tick Sheet: Damage Assessment, IA PDA Manual and Forms

FEMA offers 3 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs—the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HGMP), the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program and the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program—to help states, territories, tribal governments, local communities, private non-profits and businesses implement cost-effective, long-term mitigation measures for all natural hazards. Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration The 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Unified Guidance applies to the FY 2018 PDM Grant Program application cycle. Applicants are encouraged to review the Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement and the HMA Guidance for detailed information regarding eligibility and to contact their FEMA Regional Office for additional information. Application Process Rethinking the NFIP Information Mitigation