Make sure you read the reviews to help you choose the ones with just the right scream factor for your family -- some of these movies are very, very scary. And if you're looking for something a little tamer for younger kids, try our Scary (but Not TOO Scary!) Halloween Movies list!
The 1970s produced acclaimed horror films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, Jaws, Carrie, and Halloween. But the decade also unleashed cinematic oddities galore, most of which were 15 Black And White Horror Movies That Are Scary As Hell Aug 20, 2016 The Best Horror Movies On HBO Max Right Now - CINEMABLEND
Scary Movies for Kids - Common Sense Media
There’s something exquisitely dreadful about scary little kids. Children aren’t supposed to be vicious killers—but they’re also not supposed to die young and lurch back from the grave with The 15 Scariest Horror Movies Featuring Creepy Kids Jun 09, 2015 Scary Movies for Kids - Common Sense Media
Jun 18, 2016
20 Scariest Animated Horror Movies from Disney to Anime Oct 26, 2017 Best Horror Movies - Common Sense Media Make sure you read the reviews to help you choose the ones with just the right scream factor for your family -- some of these movies are very, very scary. And if you're looking for something a little tamer for younger kids, try our Scary (but Not TOO Scary!) Halloween Movies list!