A fast internet speed is at least 25 Mbps for download and 3 Mbps for upload, which is also what the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defines as broadband internet. That’s the minimum requirement for an internet connection to be called high-speed internet. But much faster internet exists.

Even if you doubled the amount of bandwidth required for XBOX Live (30 down and 12 up) you'd still have enough on a 2 megabit per second connection to run many XBOX machines online simultaneously. 20 megabytes down per hour is 12 kilobytes per second, which is 92 kilobits per second -- or 0.08 megabits per second. Better internet for better engagement. Live streaming. Whether you’re following your favorite streamers on Twitch or looking to build up your own audience, fast download and upload speeds are a necessity for live streaming. Don’t just let your gameplay do the talking. Apr 05, 2017 · In this Tech Tips video, we discuss the various internet speeds that are necessary for live video streaming and we give you a basic understanding of the difference between uploading and downloading.

Feb 17, 2020 · Xbox Live is a subscription-based service that can be purchased for one month, three-month, and one-year periods. You can either buy subscription cards at retail stores or you can use your credit card on the console itself to sign up. You need an Xbox 360 or Xbox One, as well as a broadband internet service provider, to use it.

Internet plans can be anywhere from 1 Mbps all the way up 1,000 Mbps or more. Anything above 25 Mbps is considered usable for modern applications. Speeds below 200 Mbps can be challenging for a large household. Use the tool above to calculate what speed range you should be looking for when shopping for Internet service.

XBOX LIVE is Microsoft's online service for the XBOX console. 2. What do I need to use XBOX LIVE? You need: (1) An XBOX (2) A broadband Internet connection (cable/DSL/etc - NO dial-up) (3) An XBOX LIVE Starter Kit 3. How is XBOX LIVE different from XBConnect/GameSpy Tunnel? XBOX LIVE is a fully-featured online gaming service. ALL I play online is Call of Duty Black Ops 2, and i'll play the Team Deathmatch games so it's around 12 players. I'll play 2-3 hours a day, maybe 4. I have the 3G/4G US Cellular Wifi Hotspot with Nov 19, 2016 · Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Sign in. [NEW] HOW TO GET 100% FASTER INTERNET ON XBOX ONE! FASTER DOWNLOADS & MAKE XBOX ONE QUICKER - Duration: 5:57. How to use an ip stresser to boot someone off Xbox Live. Xbox live logo . This guide will show you how to easily find an ip address through Xbox live. Once you get the ip from the victim you can do a lot of things with it from using it with an ip stresser to boot them offline to using a geo ip tool to find out where the victim lives. When you