If you think you’re downloading a specific extension (AdBlock, for instance), check the developer name, number of users, and number of reviews. Popular Chrome extensions like AdBlock have millions of downloads, so if you only see a few thousand users listed, that’s a potential red flag.

Some installed add-ons don't show in toolbar | Firefox Thank you. using: Windows 7, Firefox 50.0.2 I have some add-ons installed which keep disappearing from the top toolbar where I want them (next to the search bar). They include Video Download Helper and Self-Destructing Cookies. Add-ons in Firefox for iOS | Firefox for iOS Help Apple has created a proprietary iOS extension system which is incompatible with Firefox add-ons and extensions for Android, Mac, Windows and Linux. Also, iOS extensions written for other iOS apps won't work on Firefox for iOS (for example extensions written for Safari won't automatically work on Firefox … Surf the web without annoying pop ups and ads! - AdBlock

Download Firefox Extensions to add features that customize browsing. Protect passwords, find deals, enhance video, and block annoying ads with browser apps.

Surf the web without annoying pop ups and ads! - AdBlock AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge as well as Android. Use AdBlock to block all ads and pop ups. AdBlock can also be used to help protect your privacy by blocking trackers. AdBlock blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube, and all other websites. Add-ons

Block ads in Mozilla Firefox | AdGuard ad blocker

» Why was Adblock Edge Firefox Addon removed from Mozilla Mar 01, 2017